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Pictured in these five photos are the views from outside the front door of the apartment building I lived in during my semester in Rabat with my wonderful host family and a few pictures from the area surrounding the house. In the forefront of the image are a few cars in line to be worked on in the auto body shops surrounding my house and straight ahead is the Atlantic Ocean. This view along with the sounds of clinking car pieces and the scent of oil, brand new car paint, mixed with sea salt never got old. These are among the things I will miss the most. Photo Credit: T. Tabishat, Fall 2018
I took this picture, along with many similar ones, during one of my many walks home. The best part of my day throughout the entire semester was after school when I was able to embark on this little journey. I lived in l’Océan which is about a 2.5 mile walk from Agdal which is where AMIDEAST is located. It usually took me about 45-55 minutes door to door depending on the weather conditions and if I was walking with friends or on my own. Not only did I enjoy walking because it was a way to avoid the cost of a taxi, but it was a great way to get in a little exercise. Photo Credit: T. Tabishat, Fall 2018
Walking this distance each day was vital to me as it gave me something to look forward to after classes and it helped me become more comfortable with a new city. In my college town, it is almost impossible to get around without a car which made walking quite the treat. Photo Credit: T. Tabishat, Fall 2018
Though I saw new people and noticed different things each time I walked home, the city and my little route became more and more familiar to me each day. Sometimes I would take a new path and discover a little coffee shop or a short cut while other days I enjoyed the familiarity of a place that had become my home in just a small amount of time. There also happen to be plenty of beautiful and modern street murals along the way, all of which have progressive messages and are rich in color. Photo Credit: T. Tabishat, Fall 2018
As I mentioned before, this walk is something I will greatly miss along with the wonderful classmates who shared these walks with me. There was never a dull moment as we always had something exciting and new to talk about and to reflect on. Because I had no direct neighbors from our group, I always enjoyed this view on my own which served as a beautiful moment of silence for me where I took a moment to reflect on how lucky and grateful I am to have called this my home for four months and will continue to have a space for it in my heart for the years to come. Photo Credit: T. Tabishat, Fall 2018