Here is the water system, which threaded through the village and between villages. A river laid low in the area, and especially low due to the years of drought. It rained while we departed though, Hamdoulah (a word often said when good things come and or if you are doing well meaning praise be to God). We met with the local Potable Water Association, which was founded by some people who grew up in the village, left for university, then returned in hopes to better their community. Their volunteer work has led to bringing potable and running water to all the homes in the village. They have set up systems to help finances for families who could not afford it, but there is a monthly payment to encourage less water waste. The association also holds workshops to help other villages in the valley get running, potable water and educate people on environmental awareness. There are other local organizations and initiatives, such as the Women’s Cooperative, which is a woman run organization which trains and employs women in the area as farmers of saffron, thyme, and nursery plants to make essential oils. The cooperative aims to empower women and help them out of poverty.
Photo credit: Avignon, 2022.