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"A Jordanian Snow Day" by Christian Bevilacqua

"A Jordanian Snow Day" by Christian Bevilacqua

Before my arrival to Jordan I was warned that the Jordanian winter is cold, wet, and windy. Amideast told us all to pack winter gear and noted that light snowfall has happened in the past, but that it was not ordinary.

Coming into Amman I had not expected a snow day to occur with classes canceled and my host mom lodging us inside for tea, soup, and Turkish soap operas. After gazing at the snowfall outside of my bedroom window I ventured outside to enjoy the snow! Here is my experience in the Jordanian snow through a photo journal!

Outside of my apartment building were flowers and trees withstanding the snowfall. They felt just as cold as I was.

Wadi As-Seir, Amman, Jordan. 2023. Photo credit: Bevilacqua, 2023.

Wadi As-Seir, Amman, Jordan. 2023. Photo credit: Bevilacqua, 2023.

The snow was the perfect consistency to make snowballs and snowmen. I could not resist – meet Abdullah III.

Wadi As-Seir, Amman, Jordan. 2023. Photo credit: Bevilacqua, 2023.

The roads were slicked with snow and ice, which greatly lessened the amount of traffic on the streets of my neighborhood. However, this did not stop myself and my neighbors from walking around and enjoying the snow covered streets!

Photo credit: Bevilacqua, 2023.

Although unexpected, I loved every moment of the very cold snow day in Amman!

Christian is a student at Syracuse University studying abroad in Jordan on the Amideast Area and Arabic Language Studies program.

"Jadal for Knowledge and Culture Center In Amman, Jordan" by Achol Otto

"Jadal for Knowledge and Culture Center In Amman, Jordan" by Achol Otto

"Crocoparc" by Cormac Glynn

"Crocoparc" by Cormac Glynn