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"Goals, Quarantine, and Online Classes" by Naomi Curtis

"Goals, Quarantine, and Online Classes" by Naomi Curtis

In my very first blog post for AMIDEAST, I established 10 goals for myself before I set off for Morocco. I had to leave much earlier than anticipated, but I still had some amazing experiences. Here is a review of my goals and their results.

  1. Learn how to cook 3 Moroccan dishes

    I was only able to learn how to make one dish, harcha, in Morocco. I even wrote a blog post about my experience and the recipe, if you want to check it out! I still plan on learning more Moroccan recipes now that I’m back in the US.

  2. Learn how to introduce myself in Arabic (preferably more, but I’ll start here for now)

    I took a beginners Arabic class at AUI and I definitely learned more than how to introduce myself. Unfortunately, the transition to online classes took a toll, and I decided to withdraw from the course. I felt it was the best decision for me. I still miss the class and wish to continue to learn Arabic.

  3. Visit as many of Morocco’s cities as possible (I’ll put 5 here so I have a number to obtain)

    I met this goal! I got to visit Rabat, Fez, Ifrane, Meknes, and Merzouga. Each city was so different from the other and I always learned so much from my visit. I would have loved to visit more. You can see pictures and blog posts from each of these trips on my other posts.

  4. Pass my classes at AUI

    This one is still a work in progress! I did withdraw from one class, but so far my other classes are going okay. I have about a month left of online schooling. Moving to school online has been a very big transition for me, but I am so grateful I can finish my classes.

  5. Find a place to volunteer at consistently (preferably on a weekly basis)

    I didn’t meet this goal, but I did get a job as a conversational English tutor for the Center for Learning Excellence at AUI. I loved CLE and everyone that worked there. I highly recommend anyone going to AUI to get involved with CLE.

  6. Join a club at AUI

    I joined several clubs at AUI. I was most involved with the Extreme Sports Association. There are so many clubs at AUI and I highly recommend joining some. The students are very welcoming and involved with the community.

  7. Be able to tell my friends at home a brief, yet comprehensive, history of Morocco

    I can do this! I still want to learn more about the history of Morocco and deepen my understanding of the country. From my classes at AUI, I have a general understanding of the history of feminism in Morocco and US-Morocco trade relations.

  8. Cross the Strait of Gibraltar

    I didn’t get to do this, but I got to hike a sand dune. You can see a picture on my blog post about Merzouga!

  9. Make my blog one that I am proud of and that accurately reflects my experience and who I am

    This is still a work in progress as well! I am so thankful that I can look back on my time in Morocco through this blog.

  10. Make friends!

    Despite having to cut my time in Morocco short, I still made really amazing friends that I loved traveling with. They all are so amazing, and I am excited to see where they go in the future.

I set these goals to push myself and to take advantage of my time abroad. I didn’t meet all of them, but I grew so much trying to. I have been back home for about 6 weeks now. I had to be in isolation for 2 weeks and I’ve been in quarantine with my family since. I am finally settled into a quarantine routine with my classes, internship, and relationships. This is a very intense time for everyone with ramifications that could last generations. I hope everyone is staying home, if they can, and safe. To keep up with the tradition, here is a goal for quarantine: 1. Complete online school.

"A Letter to Jordan" by Macalah Pcolar

"A Letter to Jordan" by Macalah Pcolar

A Statement on Higher Education from our Director of Education Abroad

A Statement on Higher Education from our Director of Education Abroad