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"Top 10 Tips for Studying Abroad in Jordan" by Jack Schlechter

"Top 10 Tips for Studying Abroad in Jordan" by Jack Schlechter

  1. Packing

    Before you go anywhere, the first thing that comes to your mind is: what do I need to bring? Many call me a minimalist because I only brought three outfits but other people brought way more. The point is you can get away with a lot less than you think so I advise you to not overpack on clothes. Many of the toiletries and essentials you can buy at grocery stores and markets here, so just bring enough for a couple of days. But the most important thing to bring is an obscene amount of sunscreen because you will always find yourself needing some as well as it is more expensive here than compared to the states. So, if you have the option between another shirt or sunscreen - go for the sunscreen. You will also be wearing a lot of pants here, so there’s no need to waste any space on multiple pairs of shorts.

  2. Have an open mind

    Before you get to Jordan or any foreign country, expect nothing. There are many cultural differences that may be scary but are not necessarily bad. Sometimes people may over-share things or have certain preconceived notions about your country. Obviously, you are not representative of your entire culture, so just roll with the punches. On the other hand, since you are a foreigner, people want to talk and compare experiences to develop a friendship.

  3. Have a schedule

    In America, it’s always helpful to organize your life around a daily routine so continue that here; there’s no reason to break that habit. Whether that be going to the gym every day after class or doing your homework right before class (which is never a good idea anyway) keep constants in your life. Doing this will help you stay grounded and not feel so far away from home all the time.

  4. Get an authentic local experience

    Take dabke classes, calligraphy courses, volunteer at an animal shelter, join a running club, become an English tutor, get a language partner. This is just the tip of the iceberg and I encourage you to do as many things as you possibly can. Participate in local experiences to get an authentic experience with actual people and not just hang out with your American friends and peers; you can do that anywhere.

  5. Get out of your comfort zone

    Moving to a new country can be a lot to take in all at once and it’s perfectly normal to feel that way but don’t let that deter you from getting the most out of this experience. Take a deep breath and keep going because it will always be worth it in the end. Being so far from home can be a tough pill to swallow sometimes, but there are loads of resources and people to help you through it at Amideast. Other times you may just need some alone time and I encourage you to do just that. Sleep in on the weekend, do whatever you need to do to keep yourself charged.

  6. Use as much Arabic as possible

    Your first instinct will be to speak your native language with your friends, with people on the street, and with your host family. But you’re here for a reason and that’s to learn bloody Arabic. So practice with the taxi driver and the hair stylists and the random guy you see in the street. But when you get your hair cut make sure to have a reference picture or a lot of courage - otherwise you will see the effect of a language barrier - and thankfully, hair grows back. The point is if you practice as much as humanly possible, it is astonishing just how much better you can become in such a short period of time. Day to day you may think you are going nowhere but trust me you are rapidly improving each and every day.

  7. Spend time with host family

    The people in your host family have been generous enough to invite you into their home so the least you can do is get to know them. Everyone’s host family is different so make sure to never compare experiences but enjoy yours for what it is. ان ﺷﺎءﷲ by the end of the program you host family will be like your second family, as mine is to me. They are natives and have so much to show and teach you, go for the ride and be appreciative of all they have to offer.

  8. Explore

    There are so many sites to see whether in Amman itself or in Jordan as a whole. Obviously, there are the go to sites such as Wadi Rum and Petra, but there are so many hidden gems to discover, walk around for 5 or 10 minutes and you will find a little sanctuary tucked away, and each one is just as beautiful as the next. Amman is an extremely happening city; at the end of the day, coffee shops will be your best friend. Between all the homework you have, rest you need, and that extra boost we all need sometimes, it will feel as if you are always at a coffee shop. And the best thing about that is that they are everywhere.

  9. Call your parents (mental health)

    The time change is real, and it makes things difficult. But make an effort to stay connected to the people who care about you back home. Take as many pictures as possible to share via social media or blog with the people who want to know how your experience is going. Calling your loved ones is important so they know you are well and vis-versa. Also, I hope that you are nothing like me and don’t have to experience living abroad without a smartphone since I was smart enough to shatter mine in the middle of Petra. I assume you don’t have to lead the life I do in this way, so use that handy phone of yours and call those close to you.

  10. Have fun! Enjoy yourself

    The main reason you are here is to learn Arabic, but besides that, you should be enjoying yourself as much as possible. Of course, that is always the cliché tip for studying abroad, but we all know it is true. There are so many beautiful people, sights, and so much delicious food to eat. Whether you are here for a month or two it will feel as if it flew by and you will always be wishing you had just a little more time. Go all out, meet people, study hard, and enjoy every single second you have because it will be over before you know it.

“Celebrating Ramadan in Dubai, U.A.E.” by Hajrah Jalil

“Celebrating Ramadan in Dubai, U.A.E.” by Hajrah Jalil

"الأسواق الاردن" by Benjamin Schmida

"الأسواق الاردن" by Benjamin Schmida