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"Food, Fauna, and Friends" by Jonathan Stoney

"Food, Fauna, and Friends" by Jonathan Stoney

The view of west Amman from our hotel the first morning. It was my first time seeing a city that stretched as far as I could see. Photo credit: Stoney, 2020

Many people seem to think of Jordan as a dry, desert place but the truth is there are many beautiful, lush valleys that can be found in the mountains. Photo credit: Stoney, 2020

I was able to explore and experience much of Jordan with a hiking group my Arabic teachers told me about. Some of my best memories are with these people, even though my Arabic limited what we could talk about! Photo credit: Stoney, 2020

The plant-life in Jordan is both familiar and exotic. I remember seeing plants like this in the states, however I learned that these are toxic if you try to ingest it. Photo credit: Stoney, 2020

Aqaba was starkly different from Amman. A beautify coastal city where we walked along the streets and sat at the beach looking out at Egypt and Israel. Photo credit: Stoney, 2020

One evening I was invited to visit the Cultural Center in Amman and was treated to a band performing traditional songs and music. Photo credit: Stoney, 2020

My language learning partner brought me to a local café where we drank coffee, smoked shi’sha, and I learned to play a new card game. Photo credit: Stoney, 2020

The food in Jordan was interesting and delicious. This dish is called Mansaf; made with rice and lamb cooked in a yogurt sauce. It was amazing! Photo credit: Stoney, 2020

While much of the flavor palette tended to be closer to sour than sweet, the desserts that are in Jordan are fantastic! This is a sweet cheese that you dip or drizzle a sweet honey sauce over. Photo credit: Stoney, 2020

"Getting Lost in Fez" by Naomi Curtis

"Getting Lost in Fez" by Naomi Curtis

"Amman on My Mind" by Cullen Allard

"Amman on My Mind" by Cullen Allard