
Welcome! Our site features the work of our blog abroad correspondents and has everything you need to know about our study abroad programs!

Episode 4: More Complicated than the Idea of African Spaces

Episode 4: More Complicated than the Idea of African Spaces

In conversation about committing professionally and personally to the MENA regions in all of their complexity, learning Arabic, and the differences between studying abroad as an undergraduate versus as a graduate student, two colleagues discuss the importance of representation and institutional support through the lens of their experiences as Black women of color.

Episode 5: Trans National: Some Thoughts on Gender, Sexuality, and Studying Abroad in MENA

Episode 5: Trans National: Some Thoughts on Gender, Sexuality, and Studying Abroad in MENA

Episode 3:  “The Locals” in the Widget Factory

Episode 3: “The Locals” in the Widget Factory