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"9 Algerian Songs Loved by Moroccans" by Outman Maghnaoui

"9 Algerian Songs Loved by Moroccans" by Outman Maghnaoui

You can find a playlist with these songs on our Spotify!

There is more that unites Moroccans and Algerians than what sets them apart, whether it’s regarding cuisine, traditions, dialect, or ethnicities— even with the political or economic conflicts that come up from time to time. In this blog, I want to show an aspect that brings the two countries together, which is music.

In Algeria, it is unlikely you’ll attend a wedding or a special occasion without playing and dancing to Moroccan Chaabi music, because why not? Chaabi has got the rhythm to make you move and show off your skills! In Morocco, for many historical reasons, Algerian Rai music is the most listened to by Moroccans, in addition to some other genres.

Here are the most well-known songs that you will hear on a radio or a TV station while you are in Morocco.

  1. A Vava Inouva” by Idir

    Idir is an Amazigh singer who is an icon and a symbol of the Kabayle people and their music. He left Alegria in the 70s and settled down in France. His shows always had thousands of attendees. He recently passed away. “A Vava Inouva” is probably his most famous song which tells a story that you can find out after listening and reading the subtitles.

  2. Zina” by Babeloune

    Babeloune’s “Zina” song is easy to memorize and catchy. That’s one of the reasons why students always add it to their playlists and use it as a background for their videos. When you are by the Oudays in Rabat and see a bunch of young boys playing guitar, you can be sure this song is one of the ones they are playing.

  3. Didi” and “Aicha” Cheb Khaled

    Everyone in Morocco knows Cheb Khaled, that’s a fact! And people from all different ages enjoy his music. His audience counts in the hundreds of thousands at every one of his shows that take place in the cities of Morocco.

    Also check out “Abdelkader” by Cheb Khaled, Faudel, and Rachid Taha.

  4. Ya Rayeh” by Rachid Taha

    Rachid Taha’s “Ya Rayeh” is mostly played in the background of Moroccan movies, shows, and videos.

  5. Tonton Du Bled” by 113

    113 is an Algerian band based in France and most of their songs are a mixture of French and Arabic. Most Moroccans love it, even though they don’t memorize the lyrics except the “lla lla lla” chorus that they enjoy.

  6. Tal Ghyabek ya Ghzali” by Cheb Hasni

    This song is full of hope, romance, suffering and caring. Maybe that’s why it touches the hearts of Moroccans before their ears. Cheb Hasni could have had a great career as a singer, if he wasn’t killed during the civil war in Algeria in the 90s.

  7. Ghir Enta” by Souad Massi

    Another romantic singer, Souad Massi, is based in France but sings in Arabic. I was amazed by her voice when I attended one of her shows in Rabat during the Mawazine festival.

  8. Ya Zina” by Raina Rai

    Raina Rai is a music band that was formed in the 70s and “Ya Zina Diri Latay” is their most famous song.

  9. Chriki” Cheb Bilal

    In addition to Cheb Khaled, Cheb Bilal is a very well-known singer in Morocco. It is rare to find a young person who doesn’t know him. He is also always hosted on Moroccan TV stations. This is one of his songs, but he has others that are also famous.

This is, of course, just a short list of famous songs that touch the hearts of Moroccans before their ears. The list of Algerian songs that are loved by Moroccans is long and sometimes differs from one region to another.

Outman Maghnaoui is Senior Program Coordinator for AMIDEAST Education Abroad in Morocco.

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