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"Learning Arabic through Songs: 5 Playlists for All Your Moods while Abroad" by Amna Al Obaidi

"Learning Arabic through Songs: 5 Playlists for All Your Moods while Abroad" by Amna Al Obaidi

Whether you are getting ready to depart on your study abroad trip to the MENA region, or you are currently on your study abroad adventure, or reflecting on your study abroad semester or year many years later, we can all benefit from some Arabic songs. Not only are songs great for listening and are suited for the many moods we can have in a day, but they are also a great way to familiarize oneself with a foreign language – like practicing to Arabic textbook exercises, but this one includes harmonies and tunes!

Of course, listening to songs is not the easiest way to pick up new words, I know that. But the act of listening to certain words repeatedly is a great way to familiarize yourself with the language, and to make it easier for you to piece those words together later. And this will take practice, but when you are listening to songs from a language you are learning, you are forcing your brain to adjust to these new words and phrases, so that picking them up later can seem easier. And if you are not listening to better your conversational Arabic, these playlists are still suited for you to listen and get lost in, regardless. 


Playlist #1: Morning Commute with MENA Women

One of my favorite parts of my Jordan semester abroad experience has been all the enriching conversations I have had with locals. These conversations have become the highlight of my day. They have not only exposed me to that famous Jordanian hospitality which I have heard so much about, but these conversations have taught me so much about Amman and Jordan, in general, from all the best places to eat around the area, to all the best areas to visit (and not to visit). Honestly, just to meet individuals willing to talk and share about their life in Amman has been mind-blowing. Coming from the metropolitan NYC area, it is very difficult to come by these genuine conversations, especially daily, as I get to experience here in Amman. People back home are usually in a rush to get to and from work and their many errands, that these fulfilling talks are often missed.

These enriching conversations have been usually sparked in Ubers that I have taken to and from school each day. Many Uber drivers I have had were very optimistic and were delighted to spark up a conversation. And these short talks went so much beyond just mere conversations of the weather. But, rather, many drivers talked about their willingness to learn English, and teach Arabic on these short rides, in return. Others have gone out of their way to give advice about the best areas to frequent in Amman, and others simply perfected my directions and taught me the many avenues of Amman as we passed by them.

While many people may dread these commutes to and from school or work, I found them as another extension of my adventure here abroad – to add a spark to such a mundane task like a daily commute. However, these daily commutes are not always as eventful and conversational. And this is where music may be a way to bridge the silence. Some drivers may pass the AUX and let you choose the music. So, I encourage you to take up this opportunity and utilize this playlist to enrich your morning commutes. It may even lead you to have some genuine conversations with your Uber driver. Or you can listen to this playlist years after your study abroad experience, to reflect on your time abroad while you are headed on whatever trip life takes you.


Playlist #2: Sabah Al-Kheir

If you are an early riser, you will love this playlist. Perfectly motivating for those of you who have realized how surreal it is to live in a flourishing city like Amman and want to make the best of each day you are abroad, by rising early and conquering the day. The early hours in the city are unreal. I love walking around in the early morning, as the hustle is resuming from the night before, and the streets begin multiplying with humans. I highly recommend you put on this playlist, and take a walk to the gym, or to your local café, or for a cup of Turkish coffee.

Each day in a city is a new experience. And, that short walk before classes each morning, is a way to explore the city, if only for a short period of time, and for you to notice all those new things around you that you may have noticed before. It is also a great way to get in some self-care steps, and some time for yourself before the world is up. I highly recommend you find that little spark that will help you start your day in a positive way and to enrich your mornings.


Playlist #3: Cafes and Chai Study and Focus Vibes

The busyness of cafes can be enough at times to add that much needed buzz to keep spirits high while studying. However, sometimes the silence needs some stirring, and there is no better way to do that than some tunes to keep you motivated while studying. This playlist has been my go-to while I have been in Amman. This playlist, paired with a soothing and warm cup of coffee from my favorite café, Almond Coffee House, has been giving me the extra energy I need to get through long Arabic drills on Friday afternoons. It also does not hurt that Almond Coffee House has a beautiful rooftop, that is perfect for work when the sun is going down and the air is starting to crisp. It has kept my focus at an all-time-high.


Playlist #4: Ayam Al Mattar

Rainy days always deserve their own playlist. In the few weeks that I have been here in Amman, it has only rained once, and it was glorious. I never knew how much I missed the rain and those gloomy days, until now. So, I have made this playlist and am keeping it for the next rainfall here in Amman and am counting down the days for the winter!


Playlist #5: Yalla Ifrah

It would be a lie to say that while you are studying abroad you will only experience positive emotions. We are all human and this semester may not be like many others during your college experience; however, we will all have our highs and lows as we deserve to. But, once you are ready to tackle those negative emotions, or frustrations, or homesickness (which we will all most likely experience at least once on our study abroad trip – at least I know I have), give this playlist a listen. Songs in this playlist are meant to carry positive vibes and be upbeat so that whatever thoughts you may be holding in the moment, you can put aside, just for a little bit, and transform your thoughts with the emotions. But do not forget that all your feelings, whatever they may be, are valid – especially, while you are abroad.

The biggest tip I can give to alleviating some of the frustrations and homesickness that is associated with studying abroad, is to determine early on in your adventure who your support system is. Your support system can be in your host country or home. They can be teachers, friends, family members, or relatives, but it is important to find that person that you can turn to when you need to vent. Studying abroad is a wonderful experience, but you also need that support system to conquer any feelings of aloneness or unfamiliarity while abroad.

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