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"Leaving Early: A Photo Essay" by Sutton Amthor

"Leaving Early: A Photo Essay" by Sutton Amthor

When Jordan closed its borders because of COVID-19, most of the students in my cohort were recalled to the US by their universities. Only eight of us stayed, hoping to ride out the lockdown and eventually return to our normal lives in Jordan.

After two weeks, it was clear that “normal” was a distant dream. Just speaking for myself, the combination of worrying about my family, not being able to clearly communicate with anyone in my host home, and not being able to go outside made me more than a little crazy. It was a blessing when we got the email - Qatar Airways and the US Embassy were working to arrange a flight for US citizens to get home.

In the end, all eight of us elected to leave on the flight. We filled out a series of forms, made several phone calls, panicked a lot, and, eventually, had the weirdest travel experience imaginable.

Me, Cullen, Isaac, and Angelica hanging out in the parking lot of the US Embassy. We spent a couple of hours hanging out, waiting for the shuttle buses to finish gathering everyone. It was the first time we’d seen each other in two weeks, so we didn’t mind the long wait. Photo credit: Amthor, 2020

There were five big buses to take us from the Embassy to the airport, but because of the lockdown, we needed a police escort. Sitting in the front of the first bus, I had a perfect view of the flashing lights. Photo credit: Amthor, 2020

Queen Alia International Airport was closed and eerily empty when we finally arrived, around 11:00 pm. Photo credit: Amthor, 2020

We had a layover in Doha before returning to the US. It was around 5 am and we were all exhausted, but that didn’t stop us from having a good time while walking around the airport. Photo credit: Amthor, 2020

Bathroom selfies from a fifteen-hour flight! Photo credit: Amthor, 2020

"Harcha" by Naomi Curtis

"Harcha" by Naomi Curtis

"La Ville" by MacKenzie Galloway

"La Ville" by MacKenzie Galloway