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"Ramadan Tips" by Djibril Branche

"Ramadan Tips" by Djibril Branche

One of the most unique experiences one can have when traveling to Jordan is the holy month of Ramadan. For those uninitiated, Ramadan is a month of fasting, prayer, and reflection, where observance of the holy month traditionally calls for fasting and refraining from sinful actions and words.

Whether you are fasting or not, here are some tips that can allow you to get the most out of the month.


Tip 1: Stay Hydrated

During most of the day, restaurants are closed and it is very rude and illegal to be eating or drinking in public (except in designated spaces). Make sure to stay hydrated, I accomplished this by waking up early to drink a much water as I can before heading out the house.

Student sits on a sandstone rock formation, with blue sky visible

In this photo, I am unknowingly severely dehydrated, yet would not feel the consequences until much later. Photo credit: Branche, 2022


Tip 2: No, Seriously, Stay Hydrated

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to stay hydrated. I didn’t realize how little water I was getting during the day until I woke up one day with fever and chills from dehydration that put me out for the better part of the week… learning from my mistakes.


Tip 3: Go Out at Night

During the holy month, people adopt a sort of nocturnal schedule. Most restaurants and cafes open around iftar and stay open late into the night, with special Ramadan meals and deals. The streets really come alive with a bunch of decorations that light up the night. I especially recommend the downtown area or wasat al-balad.

Colorful decorations strung across a city street with storefronts and cars

Some of the lighted decorations on Rainbow Street. Photo credit: Branche, 2022


Tip 4: Try Fasting

I would highly recommend at least trying fasting, especially if your host family is fasting. I tried it and really enjoyed my time. The benefits of it go beyond religion, as there are a lot of practical health benefits and you feel much more connected to the culture. Make sure you talk with your host family about it beforehand so you both have a better understanding of expectations.


Tip 5: Some Ramadan Hotspots for Food, Study & Relaxation

These are some great spots in Amman to try during the daylight hours:

And after iftar, I recommend checking out:

Djibril Branche was a student on Amideast’s Area and Arabic Language Studies program in Amman, Jordan in spring 2022.

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