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"Finding Familiarity in Morocco" by Marley Craine

"Finding Familiarity in Morocco" by Marley Craine

Banner photo credit: Zucker, 2023.

Hello everyone!

My name is Marley Craine and I am a junior from Macalester College. I'm originally from Boston, MA, and at Macalester I double major in English and International Studies. I am in Rabat to improve my French, learn some Darija, and explore a corner of the world with which I am entirely unfamiliar.

Unfamiliarity always comes with some discomfort, especially for somebody like me who thrives on routine and control. Though my first few days in Rabat have been wonderful, there have also been harder moments of homesickness. To ease this transition, I try to focus on all the familiar things I encounter each day.

An immense source of comfort and familiarity for me has been the nature I've encountered in Rabat, especially the Atlantic Ocean. I grew up on the Atlantic and the ocean always makes me feel at home. On our first Saturday in Rabat, my cohort met at the beach with snacks and played in the waves. In Rabat, I tell myself, I am swimming in the same ocean I have been all my life, but now with new friends and a fresh perspective.

The Atlantic in Rabat at sunset reminds me of home. Photo credit: Craine, 2023.

On a quiet Sunday, my roommate and I ventured out to a botanical garden near our host home.  Nestled in a bustling city, the garden was a welcome, calm break from Rabat's noise and energy. Amidst the lush greenery, flowers, and pomegranate trees, I felt like I could have been anywhere. The silence was tranquil.

I've also noticed familiarity in many of the new people I have met so far—Moroccans and Americans alike. Even though I am halfway across the world, immersed in a culture that feels entirely foreign, I notice a kindness and sameness in my new friends, teachers, and family members. For me, this brings to mind Maya Angelou's poem Human Family, in which she repeats,

"We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike."

This refrain ran through my head when:

  • My host sister teased her father at the dinner table

  • My host mother and sister exchanged irritated words in Darija, a language I cannot understand, but I could tell what they were saying.

  • While we were waiting for a taxi, a father and his child drove by on a little scooter. One of my friends said quietly, "we should just ride with them!" Seconds later, the father yelled at us in Darija, "you should just ride with us!"

  • My host dad texted me a thumbs-up emoji, just like my dad always does at home. A universal dad thing, I suppose.

During the rest of my time in Morocco, I am excited to have new experiences and adapt to my ever-changing surroundings. Still, I will continue to focus on familiarity in an effort to ground myself as I set out on many adventures. Allons-y!

Marley Craine is a student at Macalaster University studying abroad in Morocco this Fall 2023 on Amideast’s Regional Studies in French program.

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