"Colorful Khenifra" by Marley Craine
This past weekend, my cohort went on a trip to Khenifra, a rural village in the Middle Atlas mountains. I had an incredible time, and felt like I was in a different world in a very good way. The landscape was stunning: rolling hills, imposing mountains, wildflowers and spiky plants. Everything was covered in a layer of dust. All weekend, I was surrounded by the pale beige of the mountains and fields of dry brush. I started noticing pops of bright color that stood out from the sea of brown. It was in the buildings, walls, cars, and food. I started collecting photos to create a colorful window into our weekend in Khenifra.
Photo credit for all images: Craine, 2023.
Marley Craine is a student at Macalaster University studying abroad in Morocco this Fall 2023 on Amideast’s Regional Studies in French program.