
Welcome! Our site features the work of our blog abroad correspondents and has everything you need to know about our study abroad programs!

"National Museum of Jewelry" by Cormac Glynn

"National Museum of Jewelry" by Cormac Glynn

Cormac Glynn is a student from American University participating on Amideast’s Area and Arabic Language Studies program in Rabat, Morocco in Spring 2023. Cormac is a recipient of the Jeremy Eller Blog Abroad Scholarship, given in honor of Jeremy Eller, a brilliant and intrepid young adventurer with many wonderful and eclectic talents and interests, a real knack for Darija, lots of red shirts, and a heck of a sense of humor.

"Fes-Volubilis-Meknes; A Grand Expedition" by Connor Baldwin

"Fes-Volubilis-Meknes; A Grand Expedition" by Connor Baldwin

"A Day in My Life in Jordan" by Freya Beinart

"A Day in My Life in Jordan" by Freya Beinart