
Welcome! Our site features the work of our blog abroad correspondents and has everything you need to know about our study abroad programs!

"My First Week in Morocco" by Yasmine Jakmouj

"My First Week in Morocco" by Yasmine Jakmouj

Yasmine Jakmouj arrived to Morocco a few weeks before her program started. In this video, Yasmine shares her experiences staying with her family in Kenitra, trying new foods, and celebrating Eid Al Adha.

"A Handful of Vocabulary, a Backpack, and a Camera" by Rebekah Shackelford

"A Handful of Vocabulary, a Backpack, and a Camera" by Rebekah Shackelford

"Settling into Amman: A Photo Diary of My First Days in Jordan" by Juliana Cosenza

"Settling into Amman: A Photo Diary of My First Days in Jordan" by Juliana Cosenza