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Introducing Spring Blogger Laura G.

Introducing Spring Blogger Laura G.

Banner image photo credit: Achol Otto, 2023.


My name is Laura, and I am a Lebanese American student from the University of Southern California (USC) who will be one of the Amideast bloggers for the Spring 2023 Jordan program! 

Born and raised in California to immigrant parents, I grew up hearing the Levantine Dialect at home and taking Modern Standard Arabic lessons weekly. However, given that my parents also spoke English fluently and Arabic was very difficult, I never really grasped the language well. I grew up feeling an identity conflict like many other Americans in the same situation, bearing the regret of being unable to speak your home language proficiently or even at all.  

I knew that the best way to learn a language is constant practice and full immersion. Therefore, it was clear early on that I wanted to study abroad in the Middle East, and I was excited to find a program at my university that fit my needs perfectly. Now that one of my dreams has finally come true, I am very excited to share my journey and advice in this blog, catering partly from the Arab American perspective. 

A little more about me is that I am hoping to become a doctor in the future, and I would like to be able to speak Arabic with future Middle Eastern patients. Just a few months ago, as I volunteered in a hospital, I witnessed firsthand how a situation escalated because the staff couldn’t understand an Egyptian mother’s poor English. Since Arabic translators were less available and viewed as a last resort, the situation ended up in tears, confusion, and panic. I realized even more fully that Arabic speakers and resources are not as available in Southern California as I had originally thought. Having someone who understands and speaks your native language forms a bond and sense of trust, and I hope to one day become a part of this Arabic network and support system in the United States to connect with and serve others in my community.  

Moving forward, I am thus really excited to see how my Arabic and cultural understanding of the Middle East changes and improves throughout the semester. I am also excited to share my experiences with you. You will notice in my blogs that I am someone who loves to receive and give advice. Therefore, I want to end my first blog with two main pieces of advice that also give insight into the kind of person I am:  

  1. Don’t worry too much about the logistics (I am a worrier!)

    • I remember being very concerned about all the details just one week ago: What if I don’t bring enough clothes? What is living with my host family like? What if I can’t communicate Arabic well? Now that I am 5 days into the program, I can promise you that within the week, all of your concerns and questions that bothered you until your trip will be answered. You will learn, adapt, and grow in Amman, and within the week, you will know what you need to do, where to go, and who to talk to in order to solve any issues or answer any questions! Soon, you will forget you even had these concerns! 

  2. If you decide to study abroad, consider every second of your time precious. (I love to go out!)

    • I have only been in Amman for 5 days and my cohort and I have visited Rainbow Street, souqs, malls, cinemas, roman ruins, citadels, cafes, etc. It is important to take breaks sometimes and stay in, but don’t always pass on activities because you feel that you have four whole months to do them. Instead, it's the opposite. Consider that you only have four months to enjoy Jordan and do as much as you can. Make plans, invite friends, and have a good time. You don’t want to leave Jordan with lots of regrets.

 So that’s it for my first blog! I am excited to share with you all the hidden gems of Jordan and share my experiences to come! Until next time!

Standing under the towering citadel ruins of Amman. Photo Credit: Kyla Wilson, 2023.

Laura G. is a student from USC participating on Amideast’s Area and Arabic Language Studies program in Amman, Jordan in Spring 2023.

"Autodidact’s Guide to Beginning Arabic" by Sela Dombrower

"Autodidact’s Guide to Beginning Arabic" by Sela Dombrower

"How to Make the Most Out of Your Study Abroad in Dubai: Traveling the Middle East" by Aisha Mahmoud

"How to Make the Most Out of Your Study Abroad in Dubai: Traveling the Middle East" by Aisha Mahmoud