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The Sahara desert is the most beautiful place I have been to. It takes several hours on a stuffy bus followed by an hour-long bumpy camel to get to the heart of the desert. This picture was taken while the sun was setting and shows a contrast between night and day perfectly split in the middle. Photo credit: Rehman, 2018
Cotton candy! I took a train down to Casablanca to see the Hassan II Mosque. The mosque is exactly what you would think a mosque built by a king should look like. Inside the mosque is covered with beautiful Arabic calligraphy and mosaics. The mosque is placed along the water and all around the mosque vendors sell popcorn, chips, snails and my favorite, cotton candy! Photo credit: Rehman, 2018
The blue city! Chefchaouen is a true gem in Morocco. The entire path to the mountains is covered in green trees and farmland and the city rests between the mountains. It’s a very touristy city, but you’ll have plenty of time to interact with locals as well. The entire city is blue and filled with artisan shops. You can overlook the beautiful city from the Spanish mosque located on top of a hill. Photo credit: Rehman, 2018