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Pomegranates grow abundantly in Jordan and are often seen growing in private yards. They are incredibly cheap, compared to U.S. prices. Photo credit: Shackelford, 2019.
My roommate, Chloe, “modeling” with some pomegranates. Photo credit: Shackelford, 2019.
Guavas are a popular snack fruit in Jordan. They are extremely aromatic! Photo credit: Shackelford, 2019.
Figs in the U.S. figs are almost exclusively eaten dry; however, in Jordan they are often eaten fresh. They are surprisingly colorful and tart. Photo credit: Shackelford, 2019.
There are copious amounts of grapes in Jordan! Photo credit: Shackelford, 2019.
"Sugar apple" (sometimes known as “custard apple” in English) . A shopkeeper told me this fruit name, which directly translates to "cream" in English. The fruit has large seeds and is very sweet. Photo credit: Shackelford, 2019.