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"Walking to the 'School Bus' in Amman" by Erik Smith

"Walking to the 'School Bus' in Amman" by Erik Smith

Every weekday, I meet two other Amideast students midway between our host families’ homes so that we can Uber to school together and save our dinars. Join me on my morning walk!

Right after leaving my host family’s apartment, I start walking uphill. Amman is built on hills, and my daily walks give me a great workout! Photo Credit: Smith, 2021

The streets here bend and twist in unique ways. I’ve never been prouder, nor had as much fun, to be learning my way around. Note the bright flowers the neighbors are growing. Photo Credit: Smith, 2021

My apartment is only a couple of blocks from the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts! I’m excited to have such a cool stop nearby (although there’s usually something fun to do no matter where you’re living in Amman) and look forward to visiting. Photo Credit: Smith, 2021

The National Gallery of Fine Arts also maintains a beautiful park opposite its doors, convenient for studying or just hanging out. I often see children playing, which provides me with a great chance to practice listening to Arabic distorted by excited yelling. Photo Credit: Smith, 2021

It’s hard to walk far here without encountering the fresh scent of jasmine, which follows you through the streets and enhances the sensory experience. Photo Credit: Smith, 2021

This view is always intimidating and makes me think I’ll be late to the pickup, but it seems shorter every time. I think the slight slope in the road makes it look longer than it is, leading to a pleasant surprise when you’re in a hurry. Photo Credit: Smith, 2021

We’re almost there, and now we’ve reached my favorite part of the journey. The next block is covered with incredible street art, the likes of which can be found in the most unexpected places in Amman. Photo Credit: Smith, 2021

More of the art, right up the street! Photo Credit: Smith, 2021

Despite these designs’ simplicity, they might be my favorite parts of this “installation”. It’s impossible to tell whether they were made by one artist with a grand vision, or many working in different directions – much like the diverse and beautiful city that houses the drawings. Photo Credit: Smith, 2021

We’ve made it! Kulliyat al-Sharee’ah Mosque, like most mosques I’ve seen here, is impossible to capture in one photograph, and its minarets make for an easy landmark. The small park across the street is the perfect meeting place! Photo Credit: Smith, 2021

Thanks for joining me on my trip! I hope your next visit to Amman contains just as many everyday delights.

"When a 3 Person Turns Into a 14 Person Trip to Wadi Mujib" by Veronica Tis

"When a 3 Person Turns Into a 14 Person Trip to Wadi Mujib" by Veronica Tis

"Escaping the City: Best Day and Weekend Trips from Amman" by Kevin Zalinsky

"Escaping the City: Best Day and Weekend Trips from Amman" by Kevin Zalinsky