
Welcome! Our site features the work of our blog abroad correspondents and has everything you need to know about our study abroad programs!

"An Unforgettable Trip to Merzouga" by Connor Baldwin

"An Unforgettable Trip to Merzouga" by Connor Baldwin

A couple weekends ago I had the chance to travel around Merzouga with my language partner and explore the terrain and culture. I had a chance to ride a camel and eat exotic food and learn about the music and culture of the Gnawa people. It was definitely an adventure I will not forget!

Music credit: Bambara Khamlia Dar Gnaoua

Connor Baldwin is a student at Marquette University and is studying abroad on the Amideast Area and Arabic Studies Program in Rabat, Morocco this spring 2023.

"How I Prepared for Study Abroad: Things to think about before you leave" by Sela Dombrower

"How I Prepared for Study Abroad: Things to think about before you leave" by Sela Dombrower

"12 Different Activities to Do Around Amman!" by Laura G.

"12 Different Activities to Do Around Amman!" by Laura G.