
Welcome! Our site features the work of our blog abroad correspondents and has everything you need to know about our study abroad programs!

"Behind the Scenes" by Myrna Altall

"Behind the Scenes" by Myrna Altall

Things I wish students knew…

  1. Students walking in my office for a casual conversation or sharing their day-to-day life in Jordan stories as they grab a mini-chocolate bar from my office candy plate were always my favorite office moments.

  2. Putting on a strong face and trying to force in my tears as students cry in my office about their struggles in their language learning, panic about readings and exams, or homesickness for family or pets, never gets easier with time.

  3. Walking in classes to observe students working on their Islamic art pieces, with a focused eye and a steady hand as they follow directions, and attending student presentations and activities were always my favorite tasks to check off my list.

  4. I miss students practicing their “Taxi and Giving Directions” Arabic role play outside my office! Now, I wish I had gone out and recorded those role plays and maybe even participated in some of them.

  5. Surprising students by ordering Knafeh during exam week was my way to share some comfort and motivate students while they put in their hard work.

Until we meet again.

Myrna Altall is the Program Manager of AMIDEAST Education Abroad in Jordan.

"A Collective Scrapbook" by Cullen Allard

"A Collective Scrapbook" by Cullen Allard

"A Memory to Keep" by Sutton Amthor

"A Memory to Keep" by Sutton Amthor